Special rental rates at 10% discount & win your deposit back (Ts & Cs apply)

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Toyota Hilux vehicles are equipped to drive off-road. It does not only have 4×4 but have 4×4 high range and low range capabilities. It furthermore has traction control and a differential lock option. Most of the time you will however not need to engage 4×4 low range or the differential lock. To add to your comfort, and safety, we have equipped our vehicles with a second fuel tank, mud terrain tyres and an emergency phone to call us whenever you encounter an emergency.

Personal feedback which we got form clients, do confirm that Namibia is an extremely safe country to enjoy your holidays. It furthermore has friendly people who most of the time will assist you when in need. We would however advise you not to keep your expensive equipment unattended. This also applied when walking around in the city. Yet this caveat may apply for wherever you might travel around the globe.

As far as malarial is concerned, the risk is only prevalent in the far Northern parts of Namibia. From May up to October the risk is however less. It is however advisable to take mosquito repellent with you and not to leave tent windows open where mosquitos can enter.

First, it is important that people are save. If you were in an accident, you should first determine if all the occupants are cared for. Our vehicles are equipped with a first aid kit. You can furthermore call our standby number for assistance. We also have a booklet in the cubbyhole of the vehicle which contains numbers of emergency services you might want to call. We however also have different collision damage waiver options form which you can choose to limit your liability should the vehicle be damaged. We do however recommend that you select a comprehensive cover to reduce your liability. Depending on the collision damage waiver cover you have selected, you will be covered for damages to the vehicle, windscreen, tyres and even sandblast.

We can pick up the rental vehicle at a different location after your journey. It is however important that you inform us of your arrangements when doing the booking. Travellers will usually choose this option when they depart from a different airport.

We allow our clients to cross borders with our vehicles. It is however important to arrange it beforehand with our offices. Different costs and limitations may apply depending which boarders you want to cross.

We would advise you to rent a satellite phone when travelling to remote destinations. Especially when traveling to areas where there is no mobile phone reception. It will also be advisable to rent a satellite phone when travelling to some neighbouring countries. Even though you might not use the satellite phone, it will give you peace of mind when traveling to areas with no mobile phone reception.

Namibia drives on the left side of the road. Like most countries, you need to have a valid driver’s licence, when driving. An international driver’s license is required when the driver’s licence is not in English. Wearing safety belts are compulsory. Road signs will indicate the relevant maximum speed limits. In general, maximum speed limits are 120 km/h on tar roads, 80 km/h on gravel roads and 60 km/h in towns. For your safety we would also recommend that you do not drive after sunset or cross running rivers. Overtaking of vehicles should only be done when you have an unobstructed vision of the road ahead.